Friday, October 23, 2015

Case 68054 - Ponca City, OK - July 8, 2015

Published on Oct 22, 2015
Unedited witness testimony: It was in the middle of town and very cloudy when I saw a girl in the Hastings parking lot looking at the sky with binoculars and I saw it easily, I pulled out my iPhone and took pictures and a short video, it was better seen with the naked eye, it finally faded into the clouds although it didn't appear to move, several people outside the university center were looking at it too, I checked the local paper and no mention of anything, it was dark grey and stood out from all the other clouds, I have no idea what it was a strange single cloud, a weather ballon, a spaceship? it was shaped almost like cloud city on Star Wars...would love to hear someone else witnessed it or if anyone can identify this unusual object never seen anything like this.

Witness Media Release agreement to show this video is on file with the Mutual UFO Nework (MUFON).

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